Kids Safety Products

Keep Your Kids Safe

With McGruff

NEW Stuffed McGruff Doll!

Celebrate over 40 YEARS with McGruff the Crime Dog by getting the brand new Stuffed McGruff Doll! The Doll can be used to entertain children and hold their attention as you teach and give them vital information that could later save their lives.

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Since its inception over 30 years ago, McGruff Safe Kids has always focused on creating positive interactions between parents and children while working together on non-threatening educational information about important social topics.


Child Safe ID Kit

NEW! Includes School Intruder Safety Tips
Also includes:


Spanish Child Safe ID Kit

Available in Spanish!
Also includes:

Client Testimonials

“I would highly recommend this great company to anyone who is in need of information or in need of creating a new item geared toward children.”

Fran Freeman Director of Volunteer Services at American Red Cross

“…this important information is presented in a way that will easily make sense to our youth and adult citizens and will result in making a disaster preparedness plan for their family”

Tim Mueller Linn County Sheriff’s Office

“I would highly recommend this great company to anyone who is in need of information or in need of creating a new item geared toward children.”

Fran Freeman Director of Volunteer Services at American Red Cross

“…this important information is presented in a way that will easily make sense to our youth and adult citizens and will result in making a disaster preparedness plan for their family”

Tim Mueller Linn County Sheriff’s Office
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